Som en følge af Øresundsbrones tilkomst blev der lavet et fælles zonekort, Öresundstaxa, over togtrafikken over sundet. Systemet, som dermed...
Da Danmarks Radio og desuden Sveriges Televisions program Uppdrag granskning testede grænsekontrollerne kom de let ind i landene uden at blive kontrollerede. Ved 13 af 14...
After sand mining in fishing banks in the northern part of the Øresund was criticised, the Danish Nature Agency (Naturstyrelse) has given the go-ahead for the...
Sweden’s worst employment rate and the second worst gross regional product development since 2002: That’s the situation in Skåne, according to the report ‘Regionernas Kamp’ (The...
The traffic prognosis for the tunnel being built under the Fehmarn Belt has been revised. Increased traffic revenue, more EU subsidies and a lower real interest...
In three years, the number of journalists writing for Skåne’s daily newspapers has gone down by 250. News Øresund’s evaluation shows that the editorial offices have...
The tide has turned for the Øresund Bridge. Traffic is increasing more than it has in six years, and profits before value change were up by...
Young, Swedish Öresund-commuters haven’t had it easy during the financial crisis. Between 2007 and 2013, the number of Swedes between 16 and 24 years of age...
Copenhagen Airport in Kastrup reported its eighteenth consecutive record month in September, but competition is getting tougher from Stockholm’s Arlanda Airport. According to a report by...
The positive effects of Denmark’s increased economic activity have started to spread to the other side of the Øresund. In 2014, Danish employers have showed increased...